Warehouse Automation: Which System is Right For You?

The digital era is strongly associated with technology development. The traditional ways of manufacturing the products have been shifted with the most advanced one in terms of the implementation of automation. To surprise you, the implementation of an automated system in the industry should take into consideration because it costs thousands of dollars so it is very important to reach an agreement among many divisions in the industry and this is what warehouse automation Indonesia suggests to most existing industries right now.

The high demand for advanced technology implemented in the industry is also caused by the challenges in automation. The industry is expected to be able to integrate technology such as robotic and automation in manufacturing the products so that all the processes will run efficiently and effectively. To achieve this goal, it is very important to do some investigation in finding the most appropriate technology to implement because there are a wide variety of technological advancements that the industry can take into consideration.

When the industry comes to a decision to implement the automated system as it has long been suggested by warehouse automation Indonesia, there are some problems that will come out after that. There are many employees who are worried about being fired due to their position in the factory have been shifted by technological advancement. It is no longer debatable that the significant role of technology always results in pros and cons that industry should deal with it wisely. On the other hand, the employees’ safety should be increased as the technology is implemented within.

It is such a dilemma for the industries when they have to fire half of the employees due to the big shift of technological advancement. But, if the industries keep persistent on taking the benefits of the old and traditional manufacturing process, the industries, then, cannot achieve what they have been long expecting before such as efficiency and effectiveness in manufacturing products. Thus, it is very important to make a shift in this digital era by implementing technological advancements based on the needs. 

Various types of an automated system to consider from warehouse automation Indonesia

The implementation of technology advancements brings a lot of advantages and drawbacks for many people. But, there are still so many parties that think that advanced technology offers many benefits such as saving more time, enhancing productivity, and lowering labor costs. Based on these benefits above, it is the right time for the industry managers to make the best choice of technological advancements based on their needs. 

As for recommendations, here are some automation systems for warehouses that are now available in the store.


  1. Warehouse robotics

    Powered by the latest technology, the warehouse robotics which is part of warehouse automation Indonesia is on-demand due to the growing number of distributions and warehouses in Indonesia. The implementation of this technology helps to reduce labor costs and optimizes workflows. This has been proved by a great number of industries out there. Take the example of the industry leader of Hyster-Yale which said that the use of warehouse robotics can save operational costs nearly 70%. Then it is strongly recommended to let the warehouse robotic take a part in the manufacturing process.

  2. Automated guided vehicle

    Apart from warehouse robotics which is now become popular among the industries, it is said that there are some other automation that plays a significant role in enhancing the manufacturing process. The automated guided vehicle comes out with a variety of capabilities and functions which becomes the major choice to be implemented in the warehouse. By implementing the AGV, the employees are not necessary to be worried enough to deal with the heavy loads and workplace accidents. 

  3. Automated picking process

    During the high season, the warehouse is demanded to be precise and accurate in serving the customers. In several decades ago when warehouse automation in Indonesia has not been popular, employees feel stress to go through the long narrow aisles to take the goods. To solve the problem, the implementation of an automated picking process is advisable because it helps to identify the products with the particular codes so that the employees just deal with the computerized system to take the desired product with minimum mistakes. 

  4. Automated storage retrieval system

    The automated storage retrieval system which is later abbreviated as ASRS is kind of a technological advancement that plays a significant role in managing warehouse workflows. The implementation of an automated storage retrieval system helps to bring the goods to the particular place with the identification codes and it is later picked by the system easily without being worried about committing the mistakes. Such high technology is advisable to implement in the warehouse where the demand on being accurate is the priority.

  5. Vertical carousel

    The implementation of warehouse automation in Indonesia can be seen from the use of a vertical carousel or vertical lifter machine that will work with the help of the rotating chain. When this machine is performing its job, it will deliver the products to the employees quickly and accurately so that it will not cause a significant delay because of the picking wrong products. Designed based on the latest trends, this technological advancement is suitable to store a wide variety of tools and spare parts. When the industry implements this technological advancement, there will be so many benefits that they will get such as saving more spaces and operational costs.

  6. Automated sorting system

    An abundant product in the warehouse puts the employees under stress because they have to do sortation based on the specification. Knowing this condition, it surely takes time so that the process in doing the sortation does not run efficiently. To deal with this problem, the industry makes an attempt to implement the most advanced technology called the sortation system which is a kind of automated solution for the industry. The implementation of this system takes the benefit of the sensors, barcodes, and scanners. Such a system is widely implemented in associated with the picking, shipping, and packing process.

  7. Drones 

    It may be surprising enough to know that drone is part of the warehouse automation Indonesia. The drone is said to be beneficial for inventory management because it helps the employees to manage or deliver the products. When this technological advancement is implemented in the warehouse, the drones, then, are equipped with the barcode scanners that help to do inventory system such as counting the products. In addition, this technology can detect whether the products are misplacing as well.

Provided with a wide variety of technology in the manufacturing process by warehouse automation Indonesia, it is the right time for the industries to automate the process in manufacturing the products. All those mentioned technologies can be implemented in the different divisions of the industries by considering the advice proposed by the material handling specialists. When all the divisions have come into agreement, then, it is time for the industry to make sure of the financial availability. Do not force too much or the industry will face bankruptcy due to the lack of operational costs. Make a precise calculation in advance by considering all supporting aspects so that the big change on being automated will result in positive feedbacks.