It is absolutely challenging for the industry when it comes to the implementation of the most advanced technology named Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV). This challenge may cause a big consideration among the people because it will give a significant impact on the workflows and financial availability. It is not surprising enough for us to hear why the industry always does in-depth evaluation before making a big decision on this technology. Then, the big challenge to conquer in the implementation of AGV becomes the most anticipated headline to discuss. 

Long before the automated guided technology hits the industry, the process of manufacturing the products still requires the traditional machine where the role of human resources plays the most important role in producing the high quality of the products. As time goes by, many experts make an attempt to develop the latest technology with some strengths and weaknesses. Then, the process of shifting the old to the latest technology also requires in-depth discussion because it relates to the big challenge to conquer in the implementation of AGV.

Then, what is actually the big challenge to conquer in the implementation of AGV? It can be said that many industries have their own challenge. We cannot try to compare one to another because every challenge has different solutions and this should be dealt with in responding to the technological developments. Of the thousand or million challenges about the implementation of automated guided vehicles, there will be some similarities that the industry can share in an attempt to find out the solutions. This is what the AGV manufacturers have been done all this way during the conference in the introduction of the AGV to the public.

What are the biggest problems and challenges of the AGV?

When it deals with a big challenge to conquer in the implementation of AGV, the industry might be quite confusing in finding the solution. It is because of the financial availability that becomes the major problem to deal with. Apart from it, there are some other challenges that should be discussed so that the industry can take the benefits of the role of AGV. To sum up, here are some most common challenges that the industry should learn more about.

1. In dealing with the layout challenges

There are so many challenges that the industry should think about in accordance with the big challenge to conquer in the implementation of AGV and one of them is the layout challenge. It is broadly known that most of the time, the industry still takes the role of the manufacturing facilities such as hand carts and materials. Then, what the industry should do is convert the older navigation with the most advanced one in terms of the AGV.

If the problem of implementing the AGV faces some problem in designing the existing layout, the most advisable solution to deal with it is to re-design the shop floor so that it will be suitable both for the traditional and the advanced handling. This makes both these technologies can go along together and run together without any problems.

2. Fleet management problems

When some industries think that layout becomes the major problem when installing the AGV, fleet management can also be mentioned as another problem to deal with. It is said that the AGV can play its role when the industry has designed the current floor with a particular route. The mapping floor equipped with scanning and in-built sensors. To determine the best choice of the designed floor for AGV, the industry should make sure which AGV technology suits the existing system in the industry.

3. In accordance with movement and speed limitation

The big challenge to conquer in the implementation of AGV is also related to the movement and speed limitation. It can be seen that the AGV is introduced with a wide variety of designs which has different strengths and weaknesses. When the industry comes to a decision to purchase the AGV, it is important to make sure that the machine can move freely in any condition because the warehouse in the industry has different passages. 

Unluckily, not all AGV is designed with the desired ability because most of the AGV are designed with the limited ability to move. To deal with it, choosing the AGV equipped with rear-facing sensors can be the best option because it can make tighter maneuvers and quick reversals. In contrast, the AGV without rear-facing sensors takes a longer period of time to do some maneuver. 

4. The problem with probable collision 

Apart from the mentioned big challenge to conquer in the implementation of AGV, choosing the most appropriate AGV should be dealt with with the possible collision. This means that inevitable accident may happen during the process of manufacturing products with the AGV. The collision can happen to the AGV when the industry tries to combine the forklift as well. When the two systems perform their jobs there will be some possibility of them experiencing the collision even though the AGV has been well-programmed.

To reduce the possibility of these systems from collision, the big challenge to conquer in the implementation of AGV suggests the industry make sure that both forklifts and AGV do not share similar pathways or navigation layouts. This will eliminate these two handling machines come in contact with each other at a particular time. Then, the additional equipment with motors and optical cameras can be used for navigation purposes.  

5. Problem with the total costs

Integrating the AGV in the industry can be a daunting task because it deals with financial availability as well. In line with the big challenge to conquer in the implementation of AGV, it is important to do an extensive investigation to find the most appropriate system to implement in order to support the process of manufacturing the product. What to know about the cost when purchasing the AGV is about the additional costs that may include the power used to recharge the AGV and many more. All those overlapping payments should be considered in advance so that the industry will not regret purchasing the AGV.

Provided with this condition, it is not surprising enough if the big challenge to conquer in the implementation of AGV can be dealt with by the big manufacturers such as Amazon or Ali Express. These two big companies can get more ROI from the implementation of the AGV with the extra expenses that industry should spend to make sure that all the equipment work at their best. If the industry cannot get the desired ROI, modular charts can be the best option to implement in order to make all the processes run efficiently and effectively.

The big challenge to conquer in the implementation of AGV always makes the industry feels doubt in implementing the AGV in manufacturing the products. When the industry comes to implement the AGV, there will be so many challenges from the layouts to the financial. All those challenges should be investigated thoroughly so that they will result in a big decision. On the other hand, the role of AGV itself is very important to increase the effectiveness and efficiency so that it can also help the industry to get more ROI. With an extensive elaboration above, is the AGV thought as the most complicated to implement?